
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

14-Year-Old Hailee Steinfeld Nude Scene Cut from Film Due to Age

For some disturbing reason, there are people out there who are disappointed in the latest news that actress Hailee Steinfeld, age 14, will not have a nude scene in the upcoming 'Romeo and Juliet' movie.

We first heard the story from Entertainment Weekly, who explained that there was news that Hailee Steinfeld will not have a sex scene in the newest Romeo and Juliet film. The film’s director, Carlo Carlei, told Entertainment Weekly the steamy script has been revised for Hailee, and that the once passionate love scene that was set to take place was not going to happen:

“In the original adaptation…there was a lovemaking scene that included nudity for the married Romeo and Juliet. This script was written with a 20-year-old actress in mind,” he said. “As soon as Hailee Steinfeld was cast, all nudity and lovemaking have been excised from the script. It will be romantic and age-appropriate for a 14-year-old.”

Then we saw had a story on the nude-less love scene, where they quoted the Daily Mail's release of the movie’s script that required Hailee‘s character to disrobe - prior to directors casting the 14-year-old: “They start undressing each other – slowly, gently and carefully until they are naked. They are eternal figures in a Raphael painting. Romeo then carries her to bed, kissing her again and again as they explore uncharted territory. Then they make love, transported into each other’s soul.” then wrote this: We’re glad the script has been revised for Hailee — we cannot wait to see her as Juliet! BFFs, are you relieved that Hailee is NOT going to appear nude? Share your thoughts below!

I'm sorry, but since when is this in any way an appropriate question? Hey, folks, are you guys happy that a 14-year-od girl will not be taking her clothes off in a nude sex scene? The question suggests that it would almost be okay if people were NOT happy with the decision, which one person was:

"I personally would have loved to have seen Hailee nude! I think she’s very beautiful. I don’t think it would have been a big deal. Hopefully she’ll do it in the future when she’s older."

Nice way to validate the outrageous and disgusting thought that it is in some way "disappointing" that a child won't be having on-screen sex. Great reporting, HollywoodLife!

Even the made their case, seemingly in favor of a nude scene: "Depictions of minors in the nude are often construed as child pornography, even when the purpose is art."

"Other actresses have appeared nude in movies as minors. Famously, Kiera Knightly appeared topless in the movie “The Hole,” although she was only 17. And, actress Thora Birch was only 16 when she stripped down in “American Beauty.”

Right, well as long as it's for "art."
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