The marketing campaign for David Fincher’s adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoohas already played up the film’s illicit element with an eye-popping red band trailer that may or may not have been bootlegged. (Even the all-audiences trailer gleefully claims that Girl will be “The Feel Bad Movie of Christmas.”) But this really takes things to a whole new level: A new poster for the film features a nude Rooney Mara as hacker/goth demi-goddess Lisbeth Salander, R-rated piercings and all. (Co-star Daniel Craig is wrapping his arm around and frowning. Can anything cheer this guy up?) Sony did not immediately respond to inquiries about the poster’s authenticity; in another versionfloating around the internet, the release date sort of covers up the R-rated parts, although not so much that your sainted grandmother wouldn’t still be scandalized. Get a full look at the extremely NSFW poster below.
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