The ladies of The View had a field day today discussing reports that 14-year-old actress Hailee Steinfeld will be asked to appear nude in her upcoming adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. British papers have printed excerpts of the script, which reportedly called for the titular pair to “start undressing each other — slowly, gently, and carefully — until they are naked.”
But in a statement exclusive to EW, director Carlo Carlei says the scene in question has been revised: “In the original adaptation written by the Oscar-winning screenwriter Julian Fellowes, there was a lovemaking scene that included nudity for the married Romeo and Juliet. This script was written with a 20-year-old actress in mind. As soon as Hailee Steinfeld was cast, all nudity and lovemaking have been excised from the script. It will be romantic and age-appropriate for a 14-year-old.”
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