Pictures added for fun by Keith McSteve
New York – Dominique Strauss-Kahn's wife told a friend that he went on a sex binge in New York to let off steam before France's presidential race, according to French media reports Sunday.
Anne Sinclair also said the reports that her husband tried to rape a hotel maid were false and that her husband was "a seducer, not a rapist."
The former International Monetary Fund head told Sinclair, 64, that he had "had" three women during his ill-fated Manhattan weekend in May.
"So it wasn't just one for the road before the presidential campaign," a friend of Sinclair was quoted as saying in Le Point magazine. "It was three."
Strauss-Kahn, 62, propositioned several staff members during his stay at the New York Sofitel, according to reports, and was captured on video escorting an unidentified women to his suite at 1:00am local time May 14.
His lawyers also suggested that the banker's encounter with the hotel maid who accused him of attempted rape was "consensual."
Friends of Sinclair told Le Point that Strauss-Kahn was honest about his love of women when the pair first married.
Apparently, he warned her 20 years ago on the eve of their marriage, "Don't marry me. I'm an incorrigible skirt chaser." Whenever he was unfaithful, he would tell her, "I warned you."
But Sinclair does not believe that he is guilty of rape. "Dominique has never been violent with anyone," she told friends. "Even the children, he never smacked them. He's a seducer, not a rapist."
Strauss-Kahn's next court appearance, in which he will face seven charges related to the alleged sexual assault of the maid, is scheduled for Aug. 1. He was released from house arrest July 1 after questions were raised about the credibility of his accuser.
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