
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Rihanna has abortion

There were rumours that Rihanna recently went to a hospital where she was treated with a mild illness. The rumours say that she was recording her new song at a local studio where she fainted and fell down. She was taken to a local hospital for check up. The doctors said that she is fine but from the looks of it something has happened. The doctor gave the news to Rihanna that she might be pregnant as the all the symptoms lead to pregnancy.

Only the reports will confirm if its true or not. Well, well, well. Rihanna a leading artist is now pregnant. This is shocking for the media and for her fans. Well she is into a relationship but no one was expecting that this would happen. Next step is that she has asked the doctors to abort the pregnancy as she cannot afford it at the moment.

The father is unknown as she has had many relationships in few months time. Well, the doctor refused it and said that its illegal to have a abortion here and he will not allow it. Rihanna is insisting on abortion. Rihanna then approached one of her friends who had experience in it before. Rihana friend told her not to worry as she knows some doctors who have clinics at their home and will help her.

Well finally it happened. She has abortion with her friends help and now she is no more pregnant. This rumour is spreading in Music industry of USA. Everyone is shocked to hear this news. This is strange news but rumours are saying that it did happen. Rihanna is denying such rumours and said that she fainted because of strict diet otherwise there is not such pregnancy or abortion truth.

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