I did not want to return to writing these types of articles but this latest soccer news is the rage in Florida. The news has also been the rage in certain magazines (including theOrlando Sentinel) which are either sports oriented or not.
The other reason I am writing this story is that my article about Larissa Riquelme has been read in the USA and other countries. I received many comments from people in North America, Europe, Latin America, and one from a Middle Eastern country.
Here is the story.
The Story
Hope Solo (the US Women's Soccer Goalkeeper) announced in her Twitter account that she will pose nude for ESPN Magazine "The Body" issue. Solo went on to tweet about the liberating effects of being naked and expressed hopes for the ESPN Magazine shoot.
The representatives of ESPN have declined to say whether Solo will pose (or has posed) for ESPN Magazine in her natural clothes. The ESPN Magazine issue in discussion regarding Solo is expected to be released in the beginning of October 2011.
What is my opinion of the latest Hope Solo story? I am going to deviate from my usualindifferent stance of previous articles in Bleacher Report.
Ms. Solo is doing this to attract publicity to US Soccer (especially US Women's Soccer). Ms. Solo attracted attention to US Women's Soccer with her public humiliation of  George Lopez.
I find nothing wrong with Solo posing nude or in a swimsuit (provided that it is in good taste) for the greater cause of US Soccer. If Solo is reading my article, I want to express my best wishes in her desire to do the ESPN Magazine issue.
Final Thought
I invite the readers of Bleacher Report to express their opinions (positive, negative, or neutral) in a constructive manner. I also want to thank Hope Solo, B/R, and the readers for helping me find the courage to write this article.