Googling Berlin Fashion week's proposals I came across two fabulous designers: Mongrels in common and Don't Shoot The Messengers.
Sbirciando in rete le proposte della Berlin Fashion week, mi sono imbattuta in due designer assolutamente da tenere sott'occhio: Mongrels in common e Don't Shoot The Messengers.
I must admit that I had never heard of them before last night, but from now on I will certainly keep an eye on their collections. Two differents ways, almost complementary, of interpreting fashion, both super cool.
On the one hand Mongrel in common, a brand created in 2006 by Livia Ximénez-Carrillo and Christine Pluess, with a special gipsy flair.
Long flowing skirts, shaped dresses made unique by etnichal necklaces and super chic combinations of colours: pink peach + ice + brown = perfection.
On the other hand the preppy style of Don't Shoot The Messengers, tailored blazers and silk shorts mixed with provocative touches of black leather and breathtaking back necklines.
Are you still not convinced? Then take a look at Mongrels in common fall collection, who wouldn't buy the look #13?! It's absolutely frabulous!!
Confesso la mia ignoranza, prima di ieri sera non avevo mai sentito nominare questi due brand, ma d'ora in poi non mancherò di buttare un occhio alle loro collezioni. Due stili diversi e quasi complementari, entrambi super cool.
Da una parte il fascino gipsy di Mongrels in common, brand nato nel 2006 dalla fantasia di Livia Ximénez-Carrillo e Christine Pluess.
Gonne lunghe e fluide, abitini sagomati resi unici da collane etniche e accostamenti di colori super chic: rosa pesca + ghiaccio + marrone = perfezione.
Dall' altra il look preppy di Don't Shoot The Messengers, blazer sartoriali e short in seta mixati a tocchi audaci di pelle nera e scollature posteriori mozzafiato.
Non vi ho ancora convinto? Allora date un' occhiata anche alla collezione autunnale di Mongrels in commons, chi non si comprerebbe il look 13?! Assolutamente frabulous!
* Mongrels in common *
* Don't Shoot The Messengers *