
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Debrahlee Lorenzana fired from Citibank because she is too sexy!

Fired for Being too Sexy?

June 3, 2010 12:08 PM
A Citibank employee claims in court papers that she was fired because she was too good looking. As CBS 2's Dave Carlin reports, Citibank describes the suit as being 'without merit.'

Debrahlee Lorenzana claims in court papers that she was forced out of her Manhattan Citibank job because she was too good looking, reports the New York Post. According to the paper, Lorenzana says she was subject to "improper comments" and was reprimanded for dressing sexily - when all she was doing was dressing professionally.

Here are her pictures, you be the jury! Yes, I now want to marry her and have oily intoxicated sex with her 5 times a day for the next month, but I'm Keith McSteve,

The pictures are classy professional sexy and I wonder which jeaous ugly bitch casued this problem for her. That's too bad, because Debrahlee is classy and bad for her i guess....what a weird world we live in.

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